Can I video my performance?

We would love nothing more than to say ‘yes’! However, with most musicals, the mechanical (video) rights are simply not available. This is usually because the owner of the mechanical rights does not wish for their work to be filmed.Often film studios can have an ‘option’ of video rights (they pay money to secure the rights should they wish to produce a full movie) which again means rights are not available. Some studios have made very famous films , thus owning film rights in perpetuity and will not allow other films to be made, even by community theatre groups or schools.
MTI Europe is however, able to grant video rights for a small number of the shows where mechanical rights have been made available. There is usually a fee for one archive recording and another for making up to 100 copies to give to your cast and crew (not to be sold at profit/as merchandise). 
Shows with video rights available include: all Disney shows and around 40 other shows we represent.