Full Billing
- Book by
- Music and Lyrics by
Based on the film, Passione d'Amore directed by Ettore Scola
Under the terms and conditions of your organisation’s Performance Agreement, the following credits must appear on all advertising (including websites) relating to the production.
Credits must be reproduced faithfully in accordance with the following layout. No alterations or deletions can be permitted unless stated below.
Percentages listed indicate required type size in relation to title size.
Music and Lyrics by STEPHEN SONDHEIM 100%
Book by JAMES LAPINE 100%
Based on the film, "Passione d'Amore"
Directed by Ettore Scola 50%
The following must be in your program only:
Originally Directed on Broadway by James Lapine 50%
Originally Produced on Broadway in 1994 35%
by The Shubert Organization - Roger Berlind
Capital Cities/ABC - Scott Rudin
by Arrangement with Lincoln Center Theater
Orchestrations by Jonathan Tunick 25%
Note: No billing shall appear in type larger or more prominent than the
billing to the Authors except for the Title of the Play. Only stars billed
above the title may receive billing as large or prominent as the Authors.
No more that two stars shall be billed above the Title. No billing box
may be used. No person shall be accorded possessory credit (i.e."Director's
Production of" or "Producer's Production of" with title of Play.)
The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited.