Run, Rabbit, Run! tells the story of two 'domesticated' rabbits who seek to return home to find their family. Run, Rabbit, Run! tells the story of two 'domesticated' rabbits who seek to return home to find their family. Their journey takes them from their cosy new farmhouse environment to a dangerous wood, from which they are lucky to escape with their lives. Reaching their home on the other side, they discover it has been 'developed' by a large, aggressive colony of rats. Rescued by a posse of friends they met earlier on their travels, they wonder whether the quiet life might not be better after all.
Run, Rabbit, Run! was commissioned and first performed by Godolphin Prep, Salisbury, with a cast of 64 girls. This 60-minute show for junior performers is flexible enough to provide for small or or larger casts, with staging options as simple or as ambitious as budgets allow.
A copy of the script is available to purchase from Amazon here