Eurobeat - Pride of Europe

Eurobeat - Pride of Europe
A hilarious and fun-filled homage to the world’s most beloved song competition.

After Moldova and Bosnia & Herzegovina, it's now Liechtenstein’s turn to host Europe's favourite song contest and crown this year’s Eurobeat champion. Take a trip to this tiny Alpine nation for some hilarious new songs, and some old favourites too. This loving send-up is bound to delight any fan of Europe’s largest television event.

Hosted by the glamorous Marlene Cabana, ten countries battle it out through power ballads, outrageous dance routines, key-changes, drag queens, a sprinkle of politics and the drama of crowning a winner... and as if that wasn't enough, it's the audience who decides who wins.

Eurobeat: The Pride of Europe is a celebration of a continent that sure loves to party and is perfect for groups wanting to showcase big voices and larger than life characters with minimal set requirements.

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