Wonderland High
With a wink and a nod to Lewis Carroll, the new kid in town discovers Wonderland High is not your typical high school in this buoyant new musical.
Show Essentials
+ Ensemble

Full Synopsis

Act One

(“Wonderland Fanfare”) The lights come up in the Entrance Hall of Wonderland High School. Arthur, unsure and seemingly lost, reveals to the audience that he is senior and this is his first day at this new school. He is both nervous and excited to make the best of his new surroundings. As students rush through the hallway to get to their lockers and off to class, Arthur meets Harry Karnickel, the hall monitor, who is as nervous as a rabbit, but manages to keep the other students on schedule. Harry guides Arthur through the school, introducing him to various members of the Student body (“Welcome To Wonderland”). Arthur is instantly smitten with Alice, the head of the Quadrille Team. The Quadrilles are popular cheerleaders who support the Wonderland Knights, the school’s croquet team that has remained weirdly undefeated since the school was built in 1976. Harry warns Arthur to stay away from Alice, since she is dating Paul, the Captain of the Knights. Arthur introduces himself to Alice much to Harry’s chagrin. Alice is superficially friendly to Arthur until her seemingly “BFF,” Allison, whisks her away from the conversation. Much like most schools look forward to Homecoming, at Wonderland High the entire school is getting ready for the Lobster Ball Victory Dance – in anticipation of the Knights continuing their streak and winning the State Cotillion Croquet Championship.

A confused Arthur begins a reprise of “Welcome To Wonderland,” but Harry interrupts, telling him, “No time for reprises!” and they exit to find Arthur’s homeroom.

Homeroom is the gym, and it’s where all of the Knights and Quadrilles meet for first period. Principal Cheshire, unseen but heard over the loudspeaker, encourages everyone to rise and sing the school song (“Ode Of Wonderland”). Arthur assumes that the Jocks and Cheerleaders will have come up with funny alternate lyrics to the school song, but is informed by the Tweedle Twins (Dee Dee and her dim-witted sister, Sandy), that they don’t make fun of the school song because they believe it has kept them champions year in and year out. When the song is over, Principal Cheshire calls Coach Barker to his office, leaving Arthur to fend for himself in a sea of unfamiliar, croquet-crazed students.  When Arthur tries again to talk to Alice, Paul and his teammates confront him, grabbing Arthur’s copy of “Romeo & Juliet.” As Arthur tries to talk to them, Alice interrupts, leading the others in explaining “We’re Not Weird” to Arthur. As the song ends, Paul threatens Arthur just as Coach Barker returns. The coach reminds Paul that if he is caught fighting again he will be suspended and not be able to play in the big croquet game. Paul backs down reluctantly.

The bell rings. In the hall, Arthur contemplates what just happened. (“Did Shakespeare Ever Feel This Way?”)

In the Girl’s Bathroom the Quadrille Team: Alice, Allison, Sandy, Dee Dee and Alicia are talking about Arthur, Paul and boys in general. Allison realizes that Alice has actually taken notice of Arthur and chastises her for not being happy with the greatest guy in the school, Paul. The other girls pine for any guy, or even a part of one (“Girl Talk”)! Outside the bathroom, the girls meet up with Paul and his two buddies, Preston and Parker and during the short conversation they figure out a way to divide Parker and Preston among Dee Dee, Sandy and Alicia so that everyone has a date for the Lobster Ball. As the boys head off, the girls are excited that they all have dates for the dance (“Girl Talk Reprise”).

In another part of the school, Arthur has found Harry who introduces him to Katt, a no-nonsense student who runs the school store out of a seemingly limitless capacity janitor’s closet while she doles out helpful and confusing advice in equal parts. Arthur also meets Marianne, a shy girl that has a crush on Harry, which seems to be mutual. The students explain that everything you might ever want or need can be obtained from Katt’s store… for a price (“Supply And Demand”). When Katt begins a reprise, Harry chides her and shoos everyone off.

Heading to class, Allison and the Quadrilles run into the all-girls a capella group, the Garden Glees: Rose, Lily, Violet and Daisy. After a dissing and dismissing, the Quadrilles leave the Garden Glees thoroughly humiliated. The little flowers bounce back quickly though - they are excited because principal Cheshire has agreed to allow them to sing at the upcoming Croquet Cotillion. The only catch is they must sing the school song. Daisy shows them the beginning of an arrangement she had begun working on earlier that morning (“Ode Of Wonderland – Garden Glees #1”). With a mix of trepidation and excitement at the possibilities, the Garden Glees make plans to meet up again later in the day.

Arthur lands in English Class with Alice and her cronies. The new English teacher, is a woman named Dr. Bloom. She starts the class by handing out a pop quiz on the “Wonderland” books. When Dr. Bloom is called away to Principal Cheshire’s office, Arthur is shocked to find that Alice is willing to create a “cheat sheet” to help her friends pass the quiz (“Cheating”). Upon her return, Dr. Bloom discovers the sheet and confronts Alice. Arthur steps forward and takes the blame. Before the class is dismissed, Dr. Bloom assigns a project that will require the students to work in pairs. She suggests they start that afternoon, but is informed by Allison and the others that the “Wonderland Code” actually requires that classes be suspended the afternoon before the Croquet Cotillion and Lobster Ball. The bell rings, and a confused Dr. Bloom dismisses the class, asking Arthur to stay behind a moment. She questions whether or not he is taking the blame for something Alice has done. When Arthur refuses to tell her, she advises him to be careful and lets him leave.

In the hall, Alice finds Arthur and thanks him for “taking the heat” for her. She asks him to be her partner for the English project and writes her phone number on his hand. Harry finds Arthur and, seeing him with Alice, tells Arthur to meet him at lunch. Alice leaves Arthur feeling optimistic for the first time today (“Shakespeare Triumphant”), although unbeknownst to both of them, Allison has overheard their conversation and runs off to tell Paul.

The Garden Glees manage to squeeze in a little uninterrupted rehearsal time and they begin to feel better about their prospects (“Ode Of Wonderland – Garden Glees #2”).

Lunch is a confusing affair managed by the pranksters of the Junior Class: Matt Adder, April May (who had her hair done in March) and Dora Mouskowitz, a young narcoleptic who can barely keep her eyes open. They rope an unwitting Arthur into their shenanigans that involves a convoluted game show called “Menu of the Day,” where students must compete for a seat and a chance to eat (“Cafetorium Party”).

Harry rescues Arthur and they make their way to a table where Katt and Marianne are sitting. Katt has just hired Marianne to work in the student store. Harry and Marianne can’t contain their joy at seeing each other and each ask advice of their mentors (“What Do You Say?”). The four friends discuss how odd the school is and Arthur asks if any of them have ever heard of “The Wonderland Code.” Although all three of the others have heard of it, no one is quite sure what it is and they chock it up to legend. Arthur lets slip that that Alice asked him to be her project partner. This makes Harry, who is always nervous, even more nervous. As the girls head off to the store, Alice enters the cafetorium with the Quadrilles and the Knights, describing the decorations for the Lobster Ball, which includes an arbor of white roses. Arthur stops her to talk and Paul becomes jealous. Allison makes her move and spills the beans about Alice asking Arthur to be her project partner. When Paul sees Alice’s number written on Arthur’s hand, he sees red and punches Arthur in the nose.  Harry cries out that Paul won’t be able to play in the big game, and Parker and Preston rush in to threaten Harry, who faints. Paul warns them not to say anything, as Allison leads him and the others off. Alice stays behind for a moment and Arthur asks her not to leave. Torn between her desire to stay with Arthur and the expectations of her classmates, Alice decides that it is better to keep things as they are and follow the rules of her peers (“In Wonderland”). Arthur feels like the entire student body is against him as Alice exits after the others, leaving Arthur and Harry alone.

Act Two

Act Two opens with Harry and Arthur commiserating about how much they don’t understand, but how much they nonetheless like (“Girls”).

In the gym, Allison and the gang come up with a plan to protect Paul and a way to blame all of the trouble on Arthur. Alice says she doesn’t think that’s fair and Allison turns on her, showing her true colors at last. She kicks Alice off the Quadrille Team on trumped up charges and inserts herself as the new leader. The other girls back her up as she verbally attacks Alice (“Hate Me”).

Alice runs from the others and finds a certain confusing solace in advice from Katt (“Who Are You?”). Alice reconnects with Marianne, who had been a childhood friend of hers, and the two make plans to meet after school. Alice takes Katt’s advice and decides to go and find Arthur and Dr. Bloom.  On her way, she bumps into the Garden Glees and offers them the encouragement they need to see their dream fulfilled (“Ode Of Wonderland – Garden Glees Final”).

In Dr. Bloom’s office, Arthur is getting some life advice from Dr. Bloom while she nurses his swollen nose. Alice enters and confesses to Dr. Bloom that it was she who had cheated on the quiz earlier in the day. She asks Arthur to be her project partner and Arthur accepts. He also confesses that Dr. Bloom is his mother. Dr. Bloom exits and the two are left alone to contemplate the possibility of becoming more than just friends (“Maybe It Could Be”).

In the cafetorium, Allison is overseeing the decorations for the Lobster Ball. Paul and Preston are busy painting the white roses on the arbor red.  Sandy and Dee Dee are making signs and hanging garlands. Paul enters to get the guys off to practice, but Allison throws a tantrum and makes him help with the decorating. When Coach Barker appears, wondering why the boys are busy playing “craft fair” when they should be practicing, Allison blames Paul for his tardiness. The Tweedle Twins rise up in revolt and leave, banished by Allison for their perceived insubordination. Allison asks Alicia, her stalwart second, to stuff the ballot box with pre-printed ballots to elect Paul and Allison Lobster King and Queen. When Alicia hesitates, Allison alienates her too. Left alone, Allison begins stuffing the ballot box.

Arthur walks Alice to the Student Store where Marianne, Katt and Harry have discovered a hidden room with artifacts from around the time the school was built. They open a “time capsule” from 1976 and find, among other things, a 1976 yearbook, a gold dog whistle and an old mimeograph that is the original version of the school song, “Ode of Wonderland.” Arthur notices that there is a discrepancy between the original typed version and the cut stencil – the stencil is missing a letter “c” that didn’t work well on the original typewriter. It’s not the “Ode” of Wonderland, but the “Code” of Wonderland! They review the words and find a hidden meaning in the lyric:


Replacing “ODE” in the first line with “CODE,” they decide that maybe the golden dog whistle is the “golden horn” and, after some initial hesitation, decide Arthur should blow it. He does.

Nothing happens. Stan shows up and they tell him what’s going on. Arthur blows the whistle again and a few more students stop by to see what is happening. Soon most of the student body is there and our friends realize that the students are “the heart of Wonderland,” called there in time of need by the whistle. With Alice’s encouragement, Arthur talks to the throng, inspiring them to use their minds, make their own decisions, voice their opinions and most importantly, vote for whom they really want for Lobster King and Queen (“The Heart Of Wonderland”).

After the first defeat in the history of the school, students still show up for the Lobster Ball “Victory Dance.” The Tweedle Twins, Alicia, Preston and Parker all share their thoughts about Allison, and how she caused so much distraction that Paul couldn’t concentrate on anything. Allison and Paul show up, and, Allison unbowed, tells Paul that at least she can still look forward to being crowned Lobster Queen.  Our friends gather and wonder how Allison will react if her version of events doesn’t play out. Sure enough, in a stunning upset, Harry and Marianne are crowned Lobster King and Queen. The old code has been broken and this is the beginning of new day in Wonderland, where all are welcome and their uniqueness is celebrated. Harry takes the stage and moves to the dance floor where he invites Marianne and everyone else to “Come Join the Dance.”

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Cast Size: Large (21 or more performers)
Cast Type: Ensemble Cast
Dance Requirements: Standard

Character Breakdown


Our hero. He is a senior and this is his first day at Wonderland High. He is trying to fit in and avoid “labels” at his new school. Smart, attractive and a natural leader. He reads Shakespeare and is friendly and personable. 

Gender: male
Age: 16 to 18
Vocal range top: G4
Vocal range bottom: A2

The head cheerleader. Card suit: Hearts. A Senior, she is the most popular girl in school. Pretty, smart, energetic and charismatic. As the show begins, she is self-absorbed. During the course of the play, she comes to the self-realization being honest and kind might be more important than being popular. Although she has been dating Paul, she eventually becomes Arthur’s romantic counterpart. Her journey is the opposite of Sandy’s character in Grease

Gender: female
Age: 16 to 18
Vocal range top: Eb5
Vocal range bottom: G3

A senior. Card suit: Clubs. Based on the “White Rabbit”. A bespectacled, geeky kid who commands a sort of respect from other student for his precise manner. He has a keen sense of “right” and “wrong.” He is the hall monitor and rides a scooter. He has crush on Marianne.

Gender: male
Age: 16 to 18
Vocal range top: F#4
Vocal range bottom: B2

A senior. Card suit: Clubs. A shy, nice girl who is in love with Harry. She is smart and feisty when put to the test.

Gender: female
Age: 16 to 18
Vocal range top: C5
Vocal range bottom: B3

A senior. Card suit: Hearts. Based on “The Red Queen”. She is second in command, under Alice. She is egocentric and eager to take Alice’s place as head cheerleader. She thinks that dating Paul and being crowned Lobster Queen are the most important things in life. She fights to win like her life depends on it, no matter the cost to others.

Gender: female
Age: 16 to 18
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: Bb3

A senior. Card Suit: Diamonds. Athletic, handsome and scholastically challenged. He is the captain the Croquet Team and is dating Alice. Extremely focused on winning the school's upcoming championship game. 

Gender: male
Age: 16 to 18
Vocal range top: D4
Vocal range bottom: B2

A senior. Card suit: Hearts. A cheerleader and Allison’s groupie. She has a crush on Parker. 

Gender: female
Age: 16 to 18
Vocal range top: Bb4
Vocal range bottom: Bb3
Dee Dee Tweedle

A senior. Card suit: Hearts. A cheerleader. Sandy’s twin sister, “Tweedle-Dee”. 

Gender: female
Age: 16 to 18
Vocal range top: E4
Vocal range bottom: Bb3
Sandy Tweedle

A senior. Card suit: Hearts. A cheerleader. Dee Dee’s twin sister, “Tweedle-Dumb”. 

Gender: female
Age: 16 to 18
Vocal range top: E4
Vocal range bottom: Bb3

A senior. Card Suit: Diamonds. One of Paul’s buddies on the Croquet Team. 

Gender: male
Age: 16 to 18
Vocal range top: B3
Vocal range bottom: B2

A senior. Card Suit: Diamonds. One of Paul’s buddies on the Croquet Team. 

Gender: male
Age: 16 to 18
Vocal range top: B3
Vocal range bottom: B2

A senior. Card Suit: Clubs. Based on the “Caterpillar,” she questions everything and knows all of the answers. Savvy operator of the bookstore. Independent, smart, resourceful.

Gender: female
Age: 16 to 18
Vocal range top: D5
Vocal range bottom: F#3
Matt Adder

A junior. Card Suit: Spades. He is a prankster and has an extensive collection of silly hats. He, April May and Dora manage lunchtime like a game show. He is the host and his cohorts set the rules.

Gender: male
Age: 15 to 17
Vocal range top: Ab3
Vocal range bottom: D3
April May

A junior. Card Suit: Spades. She is also prankster and is friends with Matt Adder and Dora. She had her hair done in March and has the biggest, craziest hairdo of anyone in the school.

Gender: female
Age: 15 to 17
Vocal range bottom: B3
Dora Mousekowitz

A junior. Card Suit: Spades. She suffers from narcolepsy and is apt to fall asleep mid-sentence. The brunt of good-natured abuse from Matt and April May.

Gender: female
Age: 15 to 17
Vocal range top: B4
Vocal range bottom: B3

Card Suit: Spades. Leader of the Garden Glees. A staff-sergeant with a soft spot.

Gender: female
Age: 13 to 18
Vocal range top: G#4
Vocal range bottom: F#3

Card Suit: Spades. A Garden Glee. Smart, playful and inventive, she is the type to grow into a leadership position in her later high school years. 

Gender: female
Age: 13 to 18
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: B3

Card Suit: Spades. A Garden Glee. She plays “Devils Advocate” often, and takes more time to be persuaded to join in the fun.

Gender: female
Age: 13 to 18
Vocal range top: D#5
Vocal range bottom: G#4

Card Suit: Spades. A Garden Glee. The shyest of the four Glees. She tends to retreat to the background, unless she is singing.

Gender: female
Age: 13 to 18
Vocal range top: C#5
Vocal range bottom: B3
Dr. Bloom

The new English teacher who is revealed in the script to be Arthur’s mother.

Gender: female
Age: 35 to 45
Coach Barker

The gym teacher and Croquet coach.

Gender: any
Age: 35 to 65
Principal Cheshire

A disembodied voice that makes weird and confusing announcements over the P.A. system. Scattered and clumsy. This is a perfect cameo role for a principal or teacher. If you prefer to “see” Cheshire, we suggest he be “seen” a la “Max Headroom” on video, or appear unexpectedly in parts of the set.

Gender: any
Age: 35 to 65

Other students of all sizes, shapes and attitudes, card suits assigned as they are used.

Gender: any
Full Song List
Wonderland High : Welcome to Wonderland
Wonderland High : Welcome to Wonderland - Reprise
Wonderland High : Ode Of Wonderland
Wonderland High : We're Not Weird
Wonderland High : Did Shakespeare Ever Feel This Way?
Wonderland High : Girl Talk
Wonderland High : Girl Talk - Reprise
Wonderland High : Supply And Demand
Wonderland High : Cheating
Wonderland High : Shakespeare Triumphant
Wonderland High : Cafetorium Party
Wonderland High : What Do You Say?
Wonderland High : In Wonderland
Wonderland High : Girls
Wonderland High : Girls - Encore
Wonderland High : Hate Me
Wonderland High : Who Are You?
Wonderland High : Who Are You? - Reprise
Wonderland High : Ode Of Wonderland – Garden Glees Final
Wonderland High : Maybe It Could Be
Wonderland High : The Heart Of Wonderland
Wonderland High : Lobster Dance #1
Wonderland High : Lobster Dance #2
Wonderland High : Come Join The Dance
Wonderland High : Bows



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Music By James Merillat

Lyrics by Jesse David Johnson

Book by Jesse David Johnson & James Merillat



With a wink and a nod to the “Alice” books by Lewis Carroll




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